torstai 25. lokakuuta 2018

Iivarin kiireet Iivari´s hurry

 Myös Iivari on ollut kiireinen eilen. Kurpitsat piti viedä varastoon.

Iivari has been busy yesterday, too. He had to bring the pumpkins into the cellar storage.

 Kurpitsat kasvoivat tänä vuonna hyvin. Sää oli niille suotuisa.

The pumpkins grew well this year. The warm weather was good for them.

Siirillä ja Iivarilla on varastossa paljon mehuja, hilloja ja vihanneksia.

Siiri and Iivari have a lot of juice, jams and vegetables in their cellar storage.

 Siellä on myös hedelmiä, perunoita, porkkanoita, sipuleita ja viljaa.

They have also many kinds of fruit, potatoes, carrots, onions and grain.

 Talvi voi tulla, sillä Siirillä ja Iivarilla on tarpeeksi elintarvikkeita talvea varten.

Winter can come, because Siiri and Iivari have got enough food for winter.

11 kommenttia:

  1. I love the fall atmosphere you have created and captured in each beautiful photo! The harvest has been finished, and now it's time for a long winter's rest! 😊

    1. I love fall more than summer. This year all the colours of the leaves have been exceptional beautiful because of the dry and warm August and September. I am so glad you liked my photos.

  2. Que buena cosecha, la bodega está genial !!!

  3. Me encanta como has ordenado la despensa y lo bonitos que quedan todos los tarros de conserva. ¡Precioso!

    1. I have used recycled materials in making the bottles, jars, etc. It was so funny to make them.

  4. Nothing beats a Fully Stocked Larder and I believe that Siiri and Iivari will eat VERY WELL throughout the entire winter! :D

    1. That is rigt. Siiri and Iivari like to eat well. As you can see, they are not skinny.

  5. Many thanks for your comment about my cupboard.
    I sell it on Etsy if you are interested.
    Here is a link:

    and here is a link to my shop:


  6. Hello Sirkka,

    Oh my goodness, these photographs are absolutely stunning!

    I's wonderful that Siiri and Iivari are so organised. This way you do not have to worry about them at all during the winter time. They will have enough food to last them through the cold and dark months.

    The second picture is so beautiful, I love it so much. The colours of these pumpkins are so bright and I just want to jump into the photo and pull the little wagon into the mouse family's cellar myself. :)

    Kind regards,

    1. Dear Nina,
      To get these pictures, I had to "play" a lot. I love my mice. They make me possible to think something else than my life.

      My best regards to you and the Periwinkles´
