These small gifts have been sent by Siiri and Iivari to Nina in Germany. Some of the gifts are from Marianne, Tuomo, Emily and Eetu.
Tässä on Iivarin lahja Jamesille. Iivari toivoo, että James arvostaa hänen käsintehtyjä lahjojaan. Hän teki nahkavyön ja puukon sekä tupen. Iivari arvelee, että jokainen rohkea mies tarvitsee hyvän puukon.
This is Iivari´s gift to James. Iivari hopes that James appreciates his handmade gifts. He made a leather belt and a knife with a sheath. Iivari thinks that every brave man needs a good knife.
Siiri kirjoi käsin kaksi tyynyä ja niihin sopivan taulun Julielle. Siiri halusi tehdä värikkäitä ja juhlavan näköisiä tavaroita.
Siiri handembroidered two cushions and a matching wall hanging for Julie. Siiri wanted to make colorfull and festive items.
Jemima on vielä pieni tyttö. Sen vuoksi Iivari teki hänelle vetokärryt, joissa on puupalikoita.
Jemima is still a small girl.That is why Iivari made her blocks pull cart trolley.
Siirin lahja Jemimalle oli virkattu päiväpeite. Siiri toivoo, että sen koko on oikea.
Siiri´s gift for Jemima was a crochet bedspread. Siiri hopes, that the size of it is right.
Bonitos regalos
VastaaPoista¡Feliz 2019!
Hienoja lahjoja on lähtenyt Saksan maalle.
VastaaPoistaTuommoista suorakaiteista isoäidin neliö -peittoa olen itsekin yrittänyt, vaan en ole tuota keskustaa saanut ikinä noin siistiksi. Eli harjoitukset jatkuvat.
Peiton keskustaa olen minäkin harjoitellut useita kertoja huonoin tuloksin, mutta sitten kun se alkaa onnistua on se yhtä helppoa kuin virkkaaminen yleensä on. Uskon, että saat onnistumaan, kun kokeilet vielä kerran.
PoistaKiitos kommentistasi.
Just seen your blog, I like the mice and the shed with vegetables etc ... beautiful!
VastaaPoistaOh! It is nice to hear that. Thanks for the compliments.
PoistaDear Sirkka,
VastaaPoistaThe Periwinkles love their presents and say thank you.
James walks around with his belt every day. The knife is as good for cutting off dry leaves from the bushes as it is for helping Julie to cut the carrots for their vegetable stew. He has even started to practice wood carving.
Julie has placed the cushions on their living room sofa. They are sooo soft! She loves their pretty flowers and softness. She has also found a place for the picture. It is one of her favourite new items.
It is very cold in Riverside. Jemima is using her new blanket on top of her old one to keep warm at night. During the day, she enjoys walking around the house, pulling her litte red cart behind her.
Kindest regards,
Dear Nina,
PoistaThe Christmas swap succeeded well. We sent handmade gifts and hoped that everyone's gift would be right for the recipients.
Iivari wants to send James some advice in wood carving. Practice a lot and mind your paws!
Siiri said that Jemima is very cute child. It is good that she has many toys and friends to play with.
Kind regards.
All gifts are made with LOVE.
Obviously we succeeded in making acceptable present for the Periwinkles.