maanantai 8. tammikuuta 2018

Dioramalaatikko The Dioramabox

Nina lähetti tälläisen erikoisen dioraamalaatikon Siirille. (Lukekaa Ninan blogista tarkemmin, miten hän on laatikon tehnyt ja mitä hän siitä kirjoittaa.) Siiri mietti kauan, mikä olisi sille sopiva paikka. Tässä laatikko on vielä lattialla.

Nina sent a special diorama box for Siiri. (Read from her blog closer to find out how she did the diorama and what she writes about it.9 Siiri thought long, what would be the right place for it. In this photo the box is still on the floor.

Lopultakin sille löytyi hyvä paikka lastenhuoneen seinältä. Kiitos Nina lahjasta! Toivottavasti Siirin ja minun lahjani tulevat pian Sinulle.

Finally siiri found a perfect place for it on the wall of the children´s room. We hope that you´ll receive Siiri´s and my gifts to you, soon.

Ette varmaankaan muista, että lastenhuone on tämän näköinen.

You probably do not remember the kid's room looks like this.

9 kommenttia:

  1. Dear Sirkka,

    I did not know/remember that Siiri and Iivari have children!

    I thought maybe Siiri would put the diorama in the greenhouse, but the playroom is a great place for it, too! Especially next to the desk, where the children can look at it whenever they get bored. Then they can imagine the story of the tiny (good) witch that lives inside the tiny cottage and sometimes flies away on her tiny broom.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Nina,
      Siiri and Iivari have an adoption daughter. (I got her in as swap with a friend).
      Maybe the diorama is not at its best in the playroom, but we´ll think of it later.
      Kind regards,

    2. Oh, they have adopted a child? That's great!! :) What is her name?

    3. Her name is Muru. That means grumb or sweet in English. She is the knitted doll in the above picture in this post.

    4. It's the perfect name, Sirkka, because Muru is adorable. :O) I want to hug her.

  2. Creo que encaja perfectamente en esa habitación.

  3. Un lugar muy adecuado para el pequeño diorama!! queda perfecto!
