Siiri is once again in her sewing room. She has taken a cup of coffee and an Easter curdbun with her. She had to arrange her things at first. In the mean time two little bunnies had entered the room. The other one has jumped on the chair.
" Mitä ihmettä! Kaksi pupua työpöydälläni. Älkää vaan kaatako kahvikuppia, sillä kahvi on kuumaa."
"What on earth! Two bunnies on my desk. Mind the coffee cup. It is hot."
Samaan aikaan toisessa huoneessa. Iivarille on tullut kaksi pientä vierasta naapuritalosta. He ovat Aava ja Hilla. Tytöistä rohkeampi on Aava. Hän on ottanut pupun syliinsä.
Hilla is a shy girl. She has also a bunny, but the bunny is as timid as Aava.
Iivari antoi kummallekin tytölle suklaamunat ja pian puput leikkivät niillä.
Iivari gave chocolate eggs for both of them. But the bunnies played with the eggs very soon.
Siiri pelasti munat ja vei ne alakertaan, johon kaikki kokoontuivat. On mukavaa, että Siiri ja Iivari ovat saaneet uusia naapureita. Tytöt tulevat varmasti heille hyvin pian uudestaan.
Siiri saved the eggs and brought them downstairs. Everyone gathered there soon, too. It is very nice that Siiri and Iivari have got new neighbours. The girls will surely come back to them very soon.